Japanese / English


言語 英語
著者 Shinhaeng Lee, Shin'ichiro Omachi, Hirotomo Aso
論文名 Special-Purpose Hardware Architecture for Large Scale Linear Programming
論文誌名 IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems
Vol. E80-D
No. 9
ページ pp.893-898
年月 1997年9月
要約 Linear programming techniques are useful in many diverse applications such as: production planning, energy distribution etc. To find an optimal solution of the linear programming problem, we have to repeat computations and it takes a lot of processing time. For high speed computation of linear programming, special purpose hardware has been sought. This paper proposes a systolic array for solving linear programming problems using the revised simplex method which is a typical algorithm of linear programming. This paper also proposes a modified systolic array that can solve linear programming problems whose sizes are very large.